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Market Art Fair with Maria Wæhrens May 17 – 19, 2024Booth 4, Spritmuseum Djurgårdsstrand 9, 115 21 Stockholm, Sverige |
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Drømmebaby, 2024, Oil and egg tempest on canvas, 170 x 220 cm. Photo: Malle Madsen. |
Wilson Saplana will be exhibiting at Market Art Fair, 17.05-19.05.24 at Spritmuseum, BOOTH 4. We are proud to present a solo show by Danish artist Maria Wæhrens. Maria Wæhrens presents new large-scale paintings that are expressive and intuitive, and works somewhat as emotional clarifications of her dreams. Spirits and body parts appear as abstract imagery within suggestive environments. The works are wild, emotional, and colorful, and vary in both pace and distance. They balance in light and darkness and seems to be exploration of all aspects of human complexity, identity and imagination. One can claim that Wæhrens works contain every expressive artistic direction all at once, allowing the raw and unedited to take up space. This is the strength of Wæhrens’ artistic practice as she has a special ability for composition through balance and her prioritization of the image surface is often surprising. The work will hit you like a visual and sensuous pressure wave – an inner force – that directly confronts our notions of what a painting is and can do. Her works point to Junge Wilde and the American Expressionists, to Edvard Munch and Martin Kippenberger – all artists and expressive practices that Wæhrens has studied closely and from which she found inspiration for her artistic practice and own path. We look forward to seeing you at Market Art Fair, Stockholm, 17.05-19.05.24 Fair opening hours: Friday 17.05.24 15.00 – 19.00 Saturday 18.05.24 11.00 – 18.00 Sunday 19.05.24 11.00-19.00 Our best wishes, Wilson Saplana |
Request list of works or more information here |
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Åndetræet (opstigning), 2024, Oil and egg tempest on canvas, 160 x 110 cm. Photo: Malle Madsen. |
Biography Maria Wæhrens graduated from the Jutland Academy of Fine Arts in 1998-1998 and from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts 1999-2005 under Professor and artist Ursula Reuter Christiansen. Wæhrens have previously exhibited at Møstings Hus, M100, Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, Kunsthal NORD, the Nivågaard Collection, Vejen Kunstmuseum, Overgaden – Institute of Contemporary Art and Lviv National Art Gallery, Ukraine. Her works are part of the collection at Kunsten – Museum of Modern Art Aalborg, The Museum of Religious Art, the Danish Arts Foundation, HEART – Herning Museum of Contemporary Art, SMK – The National Gallery of Denmark, and The New Carlsberg Foundation. In 2021 she received a three-year grant from the Danish Arts Council. |
Wilson Saplana Gallery‘s mission is to exhibit visionary artists and present high-quality experimental exhibitions that they believe in uncompromisingly. The gallery’s foundation is international both in the way of working and thinking. Wilson Saplana have shown a strong ability to spot younger artistic talents and support their professional artistic careers through artistic development processes. In only a few years’ time, the gallery’s exhibitions have led to multiple institutional sales and many of the artists are currently working towards museum exhibitions in Denmark and abroad. Founded (as Gas9Gallery) in January 2022 by gallerist Christina Wilson, art advisor and former owner of Gallery Christina Wilson (2000-2012) and curator Nanna Saplana the gallery has already come a long way. On October 1, 2023, they moved to bigger premises right at the center of Copenhagen, Vesterbrogade 6, 1620 KBH V, changing name to Wilson Saplana. Copyright (C) 2024 Wilson Saplana. All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website. Our mailing address is: Wilson SaplanaVesterbrogade 6DKobenhavn V 1620Denmark |
Author: isabelhoffmeyer


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Maria Wæhrens, Løgneren III, 2023, Monotype, Hahnemühle Bütten 300 g, 79,5 x 59,5 cm (image); 93 x 72 cm (paper) Edition of 1 |
På lørdag d. 10. februar kl. 14-17 inviteres I hermed til åbning af Maria Wæhrens soloudstilling I Take Care of You and Me, hvor vi viser nye monotypier og monoprints af kunstneren. Udstillingen er et samarbejde med BORCH Editions og udstilles i galleriet i én uge, frem til lørdag d. 17. februar. Vi er stolte af at kunne give jer denne ene mulighed, for at se en samlet præsentation af Wæhrens prints fra BORCH Editions. De fleste af værkerneer lavet som unika. Kunstneren vil være til stede, og der serveres cava og kaffe. De bedste hilsner,Wilson Saplana |
Kontakt os her for mere information og værkliste |
On Saturday Februar 10 from 2-5pm you are invited to the opening of Maria Wæhrens solo exhibition I Take Care of You and Me, where we present new prints in collaboration with BORCH Editions. The exhibition is open one week. The artist will be present and we will serve cava and coffee.Best regards,Wilson Saplana. |
Wilson Saplana Gallery‘s mission is to exhibit visionary artists and present high-quality experimental exhibitions that they believe in uncompromisingly. The gallery’s foundation is international both in the way of working and thinking. Wilson Saplana have shown a strong ability to spot younger artistic talents and support their professional artistic careers through artistic development processes. In only a few years’ time, the gallery’s exhibitions have led to multiple institutional sales and many of the artists are currently working towards museum exhibitions in Denmark and abroad.Founded (as Gas9Gallery) in January 2022 by gallerist Christina Wilson, art advisor and former owner of Gallery Christina Wilson (2000-2012) and curator Nanna Saplana the gallery has already come a long way. On October 1, 2023, they moved to bigger premises right at the center of Copenhagen, Vesterbrogade 6, 1620 KBH V, changing name to Wilson Saplana. |
Copyright (C) 2024 Wilson Saplana. All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website. Our mailing address is: Wilson Saplana Vesterbrogade 6D Kobenhavn V 1620 Denmark Want to change how you receive these emails?You can update your preferences or unsubscribe |


Maria Wæhrens Ash Wednesday
![]() Maria Wæhrens Ash Wednesday Fernisering fredag d. 21. april, kl. 17- ![]() ⁓ english below Ash Wednesday af Maria Wæhrens Udstillingsperiode: 21. april – 3. juni, 2023 Med udstillingen Ash Wednesday skaber Maria Wæhrens en sanselig præcision af sine drømme, og åbner dermed for udsagn om menneskets kompleksitet og identitetsskabelse. Udstillingen præsenterer både større og mindre malerier, hvor Wæhrens helt særlige evne for komposition gennem balance og prioritering af billedfladen overrasker. Hendes vilde ekspressionisme og præcise kolorit skaber konstant nye billeder, der veksler i både tempo og distance. Nogle gange ser vi antydningsvise figurer og andre gange er alt opløst i hurtige strøg. Titlen Ash Wednesday (askeonsdag) henviser til den katolske højtidelige påmindelse om menneskets dødelighed og behov for forsoning med Gud. Der er dog ikke tale om en visuel repræsentation af en bestemt form for religiøsitet, men snarere kan Wæhrens malerier ses som en visuel trykbølge, der sanseligt, kropsligt og direkte konfronterende skubber til vores forestillinger om, hvad et maleri er og kan. Wæhrens’ umiddelbare kontakt til sin underbevidsthed sætter sig klare spor i maleriet og ligeledes er bevægelsen ud af kroppen og ind på lærredet kort og nogle gange voldsom – andre gange blid og poetisk. Ash Wednesday er Maria Wæhrens anden soloudstilling i gas9gallery, og kan ses som en fortsættelse af den forrige udstilling Tradition, som vi viste i oktober sidste år. Her præsenterede vi en serie ældre malerier fra 2018, der byggede på Wæhrens’ interesse i en både nærværende og grotesk/angstfuld billedskabelse. Der var tråde tilbage til både CoBrA og punk, og billedernes insisteren på flertydighed i poesi og voldsomhed gav en intens følelse af at være beskuer til en indre kraft og/eller en blotlæggelse af Wæhrens følelsesliv på billedfladen. ⁓ Til ferniseringen serveres der drinks, sponsoreret af Carlsberg og kunstneren vil være til stede. Vi glæder os til at se jer! FACEBOOK EVENT OM KUNSTNEREN ![]() Maria Wæhrens (f. 1976) er uddannet fra Det Jyske Kunstakademi i 1998 og fra Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi 1999-2005 under professor og kunstner Ursula Reuter Christiansen. Wæhrens har udstillet i Møstings Hus, M100, Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, Kunsthal NORD, Nivågaard-samlingen og Lviv National Art Gallery, Ukraine. I 2020/2021 havde hun en retrospektiv udstilling på Vejen Kunstmuseum og malede et monumentalt stedsspecifikt vægmaleri på Overgaden – Institut for Samtidskunst. Hendes værker er en del af samlingen på Museet for Religiøs Kunst, Statens Kunstfond og HEART – Herning Museum of Contemporary Art. I 2021 modtog hun også det treårige arbejdslegat fra Statens Kunstfond. ![]() Maria Wæhrens værkserie Fryseæg (2018) er del af udstillingen HØST – EN KONTRAFAKTISK UDSTILLING på Den Frie. Udstillingen er åben til d. 16. april, 2023: https://denfrie.dk/udstilling/hoest-en-kontrafaktisk-udstilling/ OM GAS9GALLERY Gas9 er ejet af Christina Wilson, der primært viser ung dansk og international samtidskunst. Christina Wilson, der også ejede det nu lukkede Galleri Christina Wilson på Esplanaden og på Islands Brygge i København, har de seneste år arbejdet med kunstnerrådgivning for bl.a. Bikubenfonden og Statens Kunstfond. Det er Gas9s mission at arbejde aktivt med kunstnerisk udvikling. For yderligere information kontakt hello@gas9.dk / Director Nanna Saplana: Nanna@gas9.dk. Gas 9 Gallery. Gasværksvej 9, 1656 København. www.Gas9.dk (English below) ⁓Maria Wæhrens Ash Wednesday Opening Friday April 21, 5pm- ![]() Ash Wednesday by Maria Wæhrens Exhibition period: April 21 – June 3, 2023 For the exhibition Ash Wednesday, Wæhrens presents a sensuous precision of her dreams and examines human complexity and identity in larger and smaller paintings. Through her wild expressionism and precise coloring, Wæhrens creates new imagery that varies both in pace and distance. Sometimes we see suggestive figures and other times everything is dissolved in quick strokes. The title Ash Wednesday derives from the Catholic solemn reminder of man’s mortality and the need for reconciliation with God. However, Wæhrens paintings are not a visual representation of a specific religion, but rather a visual and sensuous pressure wave that directly confronts our notions of what a painting is and can do. Wæhrens’ immediate contact with her subconscious leaves clear traces on the canvas, and so does the heavy movements of the painting body. Sometimes violent – other times gentle and poetic. Ash Wednesday is Maria Wæhrens second solo exhibition in gas9 and can be seen as part II to her prior exhibition Tradition, that we showed in October last year. Here we presented series of previous works from 2018, that showed Wæhrens interest in absolute presence and grotest/anxiety filled imagery. The works are aligned with CoBrA and punk and exist within the poetic and violent. The paintings gave the audience a feeling of being in the precence of an inner force that exposed Wæhrens emotions directly on the canvas. ⁓ Drinks by Carlsberg will be served at the opening and the artist will be present. We look forward to seeing you all! FACEBOOK EVENT ABOUT THE ARTIST ![]() Maria Wæhrens (b. 1976) graduated from the Jutland Academy of Fine Arts in 1998-1998 and from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts 1999-2005 under Professor/artist Ursula Reuter Christiansen. Wæhrens has previously exhibited at Møstings Hus, M100, Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, Kunsthal NORD, the Nivågaard collection and Lviv National Art Gallery, Ukraine. Lastly she had a retrospective exhibition at Vejen Kunstmuseum in 2020/2021 and painted a site-specific mural at O – Overgaden, Institut of Contemporary Art. Her works are part of the collection at The Museum of Religious Art and the Danish Arts Foundation. She also recieved the three year grand from the Danish Arts Council in 2021. ![]() Maria Wæhrens series of works Egg Freezing (2018) is part of the exhibition HØST at Den Frie. The exhibition is open until April 16, 2023: https://denfrie.dk/udstilling/hoest-en-kontrafaktisk-udstilling/ ABOUT GAS9GALLERY Gas9 is a gallery in Vesterbro, owned by Christina Wilson, primarily showing young Danish and international contemporary art. Christina Wilson, the previous owner of the now-closed gallery Christina Wilson on both Esplanade and Islands Brygge in Copenhagen, has in recent years worked as an art advisor for, amongst other, Bikubenfonden and The Danish Arts Foundation. It is therefor Gas9’s mission to work directly with artistic development. Gasværksvej 9, 1656, København V, Danmark. Opening hours: Wed – Fri 12-18, Sat 12-16 Copyright © *GAS9GALLERY_2022* All rights reserved. |
In-Between Maria Wæhrens
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In-Between Maria Wæhrens Opening Saturday, October 15 from 5-8 pm ![]() Maria Wæhrens, Untitled #4, 2022. Egg tempera and oil on canvas, 62.9 x 47.2 in (160 x 120 cm). Courtesy the artist and Chris Sharp Gallery, Los Angeles. Photo: Jacob Friis-Holm Nielsen Chris Sharp Gallery is pleased to present a solo exhibition of the Danish, Copenhagen- based painter, Maria Wæhrens. The recent work of Maria Wæhrens, a longtime, if idiosyncratic fixture of the Danish art scene, could be considered a form of contemporary religious or spiritual painting. Where her earlier work revolved much more around issues of lesbian identity and representations thereof, the last few years have seen Wæhrens turn more toward attempts at describing a personal spiritual experience in the form of quasi-figurative and decidedly ethereal abstraction. Characterized by strident, gestural maelstroms of hot color from which figures occasionally emerge, the resultant paintings can be situated in a trajectory that looks back to Cobra, Asger Jorn and Marisa Merz, not to mention European expressionism and symbolism, which includes everyone from Edvard Munch to Odilon Redon. It is as if she is inserting herself into a tradition of painting, which not only is arguably dead or inadmissible (spiritual abstraction), but which also has been, at least historically, foreclosed to the likes of her. In doing so, she carries out a series of transgressions and revives this tradition from an entirely different perspective, looking at how contemporary abstraction can exist on the threshold of the sensuous material world and the aspirational metaphysical plane with which it was once so closely associated. Maria Wæhrens (b. 1976, Hjoerring, DK) lives and works in Copenhagen. A selection of recent solo and group exhibitions includes: (2022) tradition #1 (solo exhibition), Gas9 gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark; The Child, OTP Copenhagen (solo exhibition), CPH, DK; Vera Icon, Museum of Religious Art, Lemvig, DK; Hvad kan jeg hjaelpe dig med? (solo exhibition), Charlotte Fogh Gallery, Arhus, DK; Landschaftsverbot, Møllerwitt, CPH, DK; Gas9gallery, 8.Marts pop-up exhibition, CPH, DK; (2021) Overgange/Transitions, Rundetaarn, CPH, DK; Psychopathia Sexualis, O-Overdaen, CPH, DK; Sammenstød, Rigsted Galleriet, Ringsted, DK; Koloristerne, Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, CPH, DK; (2020/2021) Retrospective solo exhibition, Vejen Art Museum, DK; (2020) Stå Op, Tag Din Seng Og Gå (solo/retrospective), Udstillingsstedet, Sorø, DK (2020) Fadervor (solo) Jir Sandel, CPH, DK. |
Nyhedsbrev: Velkommen til fernisering
![]() EN SOLOUDSTILLING AF MARIS WÆHRENS (DK) Vi glæder os til at se dig til fernisering på Maria Wæhrens udstilling “Tradition #I”, der åbner hos Gas9Gallery på fredag d. 30. september kl. 17-20. ![]() TRADITION #I AF MARIA WÆHRENS I soloudstillingen “Tradition #I” præsenterer Maria Wæhrens (f. 1976) ekspressive og rå malerier, hvor abstrakte væsener, kropsdele, følelser og landskaber males frem gennem kraftfulde intuitive penselstrøg. Skrigende munde, indre organer og kønsdele samt desperate og omfavnende hænder, famler i mørket og tager form mellem ustyrlige proportioner og kompositioner. Værkerne er nærværende og groteske – både poetiske og punk – og udledes fra en indre kraft og insisteren på at blotlægge Wæhrens følelsesliv på fladen. Værkserien hedder “Gå din vej Maria” (2019), og er et væsentligt nedslag i Wæhrens kunstneriske udvikling, hvor hun hudløst ærligt skildrer smerte, kærlighed, liv og alt derimellem. Malerierne er udført på sorte og grønne spånplader med DSB togplaner og rester af klister, tape og papir. Til udstillingen præsenteres også en serie maleri på papir “My pain your Pain” (2017), hvor Wæhrens med enkle og præcise streger fremmaner kampen mellem kontrol og frihed. Amorphe organiske former kæmper med systematiske linjer og faste elementer, og formår at bryde ud og flyde over papiret. Tårer, blod og kropsdele tager form, og står i skarp kontrast til skriften “Control” på værket ‘Your Pain My Pain #8’. Udstillingen “Tradition #I” er del I ud af II, hvoraf næste udstilling, der præsenteres i galleriet i Marts 2023, vil vise Wæhrens aktuelle praksis, hvor identitets kampen har veget pladsen for en sårbar kamp for tilstedeværelse og modtagelse. ⁓ Til ferniseringen serveres der drinks, sponsoreret af Sprint & Co og kunstneren vil være til stede. Vi glæder os til at se jer!For mere information om udstillingen eller for værkliste skriv til: hello@gas9.dkOM KUNSTNEREN Maria Wæhrens (f. 1976) er uddannet fra Det Jyske Kunstakademi i 1998 og fra Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi 1999-2005 under professor og kunstner Ursula Reuter Christiansen. Wæhrens har tidligere udstillet i Møstings Hus, M100, Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, Kunsthal NORD, Nivågaard-samlingen og Lviv National Art Gallery, Ukraine. Senest havde hun en retrospektiv udstilling på Vejen Kunstmuseum i 2020/2021 og malede et monumentalt stedsspecifikt vægmaleri på Overgaden – Institut for Samtidskunst. Hendes værker er en del af samlingen på Museet for Religiøs Kunst og Statens Kunstfond. I 2021 modtog hun også det treårige arbejdslegat fra Statens Kunstfond. I oktober 2022 er Maria Wæhrens aktuel med en soloudstilling på Chis Sharp Gallery, Los Angeles, USA. Læs mere her: https://www.chrissharpgallery.com/upcoming ![]() Ferniseringsfoto: Gas 9 GalleryGas 9 Gallery er et nyt galleri på Vesterbro, ejet af Christina Wilson, der primært viser ung dansk og international samtidskunst. Christina Wilson, der også ejede det nu lukkede Galleri Christina Wilson på Esplanaden og på Islands Brygge i København, har de seneste år arbejdet med kunstnerrådgivning for Bikubenfonden og Statens Kunstfond og har derfor arbejdet helt tæt på kunstnernes fortællinger og fantastiske udtryk. Det har givet hende lyst til at skabe udstillinger igen, og drømmen er at lave et mindre, højt professionelt, ambitiøst og generøst galleri, med tætte kontakter til kunstnere og publikum. For yderligere information og pressemateriale kontakt Gallery Director Nanna Saplana: Nanna@gas9.dk. Gas 9 Gallery. Gasværksvej 9, 1656 København. www.Gas9.dk (English below) ———————ENGLISH VERSION————————- ⁓TRADITION #I A SOLO EXHIBITION BY MARIS WÆHRENS (DK) We look forward to seeing you for the opening of Maria Wæhrens exhibition “Tradition #I”, on Friday September 30th at 17-20 at Gas9Gallery! ![]() Detail of foto: David Stjernholm, Walk Your Way Maria #3. Exhibition period September 30 – October 12 ⁓ TRADITION #I BY MARIA WÆHRENS For her solo exhibition “Tradition # I”, Maria Wæhrens (1976) presents expressive and raw paintings, where abstract beings, body parts, emotions, and landscapes are painted with powerful intuitive brushstrokes. Screaming mouths, internal organs, and genitals, as well as desperate and embracing hands, reach out from the dark and take form between unruly proportions and compositions. The works are both present and grotesque – poetic and punk – and derive from an inner force and insistence from Wæhrens of exposing her emotional life onto the surface. The series of works is called “Walk Your Way Maria” (2019). It was created in 2019 for The Exhibition Space Sydhavnen Station and represents a significant point in Wæhren’s artistic development, where she candidly depicts pain, love, life, and everything in between. They are painted on black and green chipboards with remnants of DSB train schedules, glue, tape, and paper, which become the background for the final paintings. The exhibition also presents a series of paintings on paper “My pain your Pain” (2017), where Wæhrens evokes the battle between control and freedom through simple and precisely drawn lines. Amorphous organic forms struggle with systematic lines and fixed elements and manage to break out and overflow the paper. The exhibition “Tradition #I” is part I out of II in Gas9Gallery within the next six months. The next exhibition opens in March 2023, and will present Wæhren’s current practice, where the struggle for identity has just now given way to an equally vulnerable struggle about being fully present and able to receive. ⁓ Drinks sponseret by Sprint & Co will be served at the opening and the artist will be present. We look forward to seeing you all! For more information about the exhibition or for list of works write: hello@gas9.dkABOUT THE ARTIST Maria Wæhrens (b. 1976) graduated from the Jutland Academy of Fine Arts in 1998-1998 and from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts from 1999-2005 under Professor and artist Ursula Reuter Christiansen. Wæhrens has previously exhibited at Møstings Hus, M100, Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, Kunsthal NORD, the Nivågaard collection, and Lviv National Art Gallery, Ukraine. She had a retrospective exhibition at Vejen Kunstmuseum in 2020/2021 and painted a site-specific mural for Overgaden, Institute of Contemporary Art. Her works are part of the collection at The Museum of Religious Art and the Danish Arts Foundation. She also received a three-year grant from the Danish Arts Council in 2021. In October 2022, Maria Wæhrens also present a solo exhibition at Chis Sharp Gallery, Los Angeles, USA. Read more here: https://www.chrissharpgallery.com/upcoming ![]() Opening photo: Gas 9 GalleryGas 9 Gallery is a new gallery in Vesterbro, owned by Christina Wilson, primarily showing young Danish and international contemporary art. Christina Wilson, the previous owner of the now-closed gallery Christina Wilson on both Esplanade and Islands Brygge in Copenhagen, has in recent years worked as an art advisor for Bikubenfonden and The Danish Arts Foundation and has thereby worked very closely with the artists’ stories and fantastic expressions. It has made her want to create exhibitions again, and her dream is to create a small, highly professional, ambitious, and generous gallery, with close contacts to artists and audiences. |
Charlotte Fogh gallery
Maria Wæhrens – Mette Vangsgaard – Nalini Printz – Nour Fog – Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen
16/8 – 14/9 2019
Opening: Friday, 16/8 at 5-7 pm
At the group exhibition “NOISE” Charlotte Fogh Gallery is happy to show works that examines the aesthetics of noise.
The exhibition shows works by Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen, Nour Fog, Maria Wæhrens, Nalini Printz and Mette Vangsgaard, which are visually noisy and putting the imagery in stereo.
The artists challenge the classical art media with an anarchic approach to painting, installation, collage and sculpture that challenges our urge to create order in chaos. Rebel and punk expressions appear in the exhibition, whose diverse media clash in an eclectic universe of unpolished image noise.
Maria Wæhrens – Jimmy (has a little penis) 2019, installation, mixed media.
<iframe src=”https://www.artland.com/exhibitions/stojnoise-da4eae/embed” width=”640px” height=”480px” frameBorder=”0″ scolling=”no” allowfullscreen=”true”></iframe>
Maria Wæhrens and Rasmus Høj Mygind at JIR SANDEL
Artists: Maria Wæhrens, Rasmus Høj Mygind
Exhibition title: JIR SANDEL dining at Li’s with Maria Wæhrens, Rasmus Høj Mygind
Curated by: JIR SANDEL
Venue: JIR SANDEL, Copenhagen, Denmark
Date: July 1, 2019
Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and JIR SANDEL, Copenhagen
JIR SANDEL dining at Li’s with Maria Wæhrens and Rasmus Høj Mygind
“Simply to hang a painting on the wall and say that it’s art is dreadful. The whole network is important! Even spaghettini …” Martin Kippenberger, from One has to be able to take it! An interview with Jutta Koether.
Take a seat, whichever you prefer. Welcome to JIR SANDEL dining at Li’s: a series of arrangements that unite art, food and conversation. For each seating, two artists are invited to show one artwork each to a small number of invited guests from the arts scene. The event takes place in a former Chinese grill bar in Copenhagen – where Li cooks and serves delicious food to the guests and artists. The aim is to create an intimate way to experience and talk about art in a relaxed context far from the buzz of galleries, openings and art fairs. Yes, garlic and chili for the whole table, thanks!
Carlsberg Byens galleri og kunstsalon
Whose Museum:
For Chapter 2 of Whose Museum’s year-long exhibition at KRETS, the art collective has invited Alanna Lynch and Maria Wæhrens, two artists working from different traditions but who have in common the method of gathering and combining materials into sprawling installations that implicate the feminist notion of taking up space. Here, together with the Whose Museum collection and work by Max Ockborn (from Chapter 1), our exhibition continues to grow as visitors also donate new items to the collection.Featuring conversations with Alanna Lynch, Maria Wæhrens, Laura Hatfield – and a snippet of a concert by Marja Ahti who performed at Whose Museum during Chapter 2.
Gather Here Together
For Chapter 2 of Whose Museum’s year-long exhibition at KRETS, the art collective has invited Alanna Lynch and Maria Wæhrens, two artists working from different traditions but who have in common the method of gathering and combining materials into sprawling installations that implicate the feminist notion of taking up space. Here, together with the Whose Museum collection and work by Max Ockborn (from Chapter 1), our exhibition continues to grow as visitors also donate new items to the collection.
Alanna Lynch’s work reflects positions from art and science with a focus on the fear of contagion, aiming to balance feelings of disgust with an aesthetics of care. In her research-based installations, she connects living organisms, social justice themes, and performance. Her recent work involves smells, body fluids, bacteria, and swarms of insects. In Gather Here Together, Lynch presents research and processes with smells: DIY stink bombs, fermented substances and distilled scents from the surrounding neighbourhood. Lynch is drawn to smells for their ability to resist containment and cross boundaries, using them to engage in theoretical discussions about power, identity and the movement of bodies. Though it is well known that smells can evoke strong emotions associated with personal memories, the artist demonstrates that their potency is also evidence of their ability to dominate space and influence human thoughts and behaviour.
Taking the body and painting as her initial points of departure, Maria Wæhrens works from a queer perspective in an open and expressive manner. She confronts societal expectations and power structures that impact lived experiences in terms of gender and sexuality, overlapping personal experiences with her artistic process. These structures and patterns are challenged by her working method, as raw gestures and emotions are allowed to flow into unedited expressions. At Whose Museum, Wæhrens presents a direct-to-wall painting installation that combines items from her domestic sphere and studio, including new paintings and drawings, alongside contributions made by her loved ones. Behind the expressive chaos of the installation lies a system of organisation that is concealed but suggested – attempts at self-care are embedded in the work which transfers personal memories, emotions and thoughts into the artist’s own internal logic in painting.
Whose Museum began in Canada in 2008 with the simple premise that anyone could donate anything to the collection. It started with a few drawings, some trash, objects and ephemera, gathering up in a suitcase in the back of a van. Attempts to order and contain it were futile. Strange things started to happen; the database crashed, storage boxes fell apart, items transformed into new objects, traded places, disappeared. The collection had become a body and active member of the collective. Whose Museum is now a loose archival network involving an assemblage of people, places, times, artworks, objects, texts and exhibitions.
Opening hours:
Sat. 12–5 PM
Sun. 12–5 PM
Groupshow with koloristerne – DEN FRIE
17/11 – 9/12 2018
Vigerslev Allé 28
2500 Valby
www.kvadrat16.comMore info : https://www.idoart.dk/kalender/maria-waehrens-fryseaeg
OCT 2018
ODENSE, DKMore info:
I am very thankful that Leo Estvad foundation awarded me this grant. The ceremony was in November 2018.
More info:
More info: http://kvindemuseet.dk
Soloudstilling UD AF MOR
4. marts – 16. april 2017
Fernisering fredag d. 3. marts 2017 kl. 17-19.
Møstings Hus
Andebakkesti 5, 2000 Frederiksberg
Tirs.-søn.: 11-16 (man. lukket)
Fri entré
Se flere billeder på hjemmesiden: mariawaehrens.dk/
Udstillingen er støttet af Statens Værksteder for Kunst og Grosserer L. F. Foghts Fond.
Scenario på Galleri DGV
26. Februar – 23. April 2017
Fernisering lørdag den 25. februar 2017 kl. 14.00.
Udstillingen er kurateret af kunstner Asmund Havsteen-Mikkelsen i samarbejde med Galleri DGV.
Deltagende kunstnere: Anette Harboe Flensburg · Asmund Havsteen-Mikkelsen Ivan Andersen · Jakob Hoff · Maria Wæhrens · Mie Mørkebjerg · Søren Bjørn · Ulrik Møller
Galleri DGV
Christiansmindevej 78, 5700 Svendborg
Lør.-søn.: 12-15:00
Man. – Ons.: træffes efter aftale
Fri entré
Læs mere: https://www.galleri-dgv.
Galleri DGV brochure Scenario
Scenario på Galleri DGV
26. Februar – 23. April 2017
Fernisering lørdag d. 25. februar 2017 kl. 14.00.
Udstillingen er kurateret af Asmund Havsteen-Mikkelsen i samarbejde
med Galleri DGV.
Deltagende kunstnere: Anette Harboe Flensburg · Asmund
Havsteen-Mikkelsen Ivan Andersen · Jakob Hoff · Maria Wæhrens · Mie
Mørkebjerg · Søren Bjørn · Ulrik Møller
Galleri DGV
Christiansmindevej 78, 5700 Svendborg
Lør.-søn.: 12-15:00
Man. – Ons.: træffes efter aftale
Fri entré
Dansk Folkekunst udgiver katalog for udstillingen “Transfer”
Klassenstime flyer
Kirsten Kjærs Museum
Kunsthal Nord (fra 2015):
Råberi over Hegnet from Kunsthal NORD on Vimeo.
– Og artikel fra nordjyske: Nordjyske_Stiftstidende_-_2016-04-11_print
Dimension, Rundetårn
Statens værksteder
Statens værksteder 2/1 – 2/3. Arbejder på udstilling til Møstings Hus
link: http://www.moestingshus.dk/besog-mostings-hus/udstillinger/kommende.html